Quick Spaghetti Carbonara

Quick Spaghetti Carbonara

A very cost-effective, plant-based, super quick meal that's ideal after a busy day!

Prep time:
5 minutes
Cooking time:
15 minutes


  • 60g  reduced fat plant-based cream cheese
  • 60g spaghetti, dry weight
  • 3 rashers of This Isn't bacon
  • freshly ground black pepper


  • Cook the spaghetti in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • While the spaghetti is cooking, Dry fry bacon and then cut the bacon style rashers into small strips.
  • Drain the spaghetti and add the bacon and cream cheese. Return to a low heat and gently stir until the cheese has melted and has coated the pasta and bacon.
  • Season with freshly ground black pepper.
  • Serve straight away in a warm pasta bowl.

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